
Judy's - "James Joyce Stream of Consciousness"
Random thoughts, ideas, shared memories and happenings.

Getting to know me:
I am blessed with an over active enthusiasm gland and an appreciation of the precious gift of life.

I am trying to break lose of being a hostage "to what I should do."

Do I have the courage to step across the threshold into the exciting world of possibilities?!?

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 Friday, June 28

I have discovered that when I think I am being attacked by a great white shark, I scream the same as when seaweed brushes up aginst my leg (smile).

Advice to all....never watch, "Jaws" before going to the beach.

Laura Lee filled the room with an energy and magic through her music and aura.

Never in a million years would I have imagined myself sitting alone in a darken corner of a bar writing. It is amazing. Sometimes the adventures that require the most courage are the small, daily ones you dare to experience.

Me having the courage to go to a bar - even a classy one in a beautiful old hotel is an oxymoron, like jumbo shrimp or military intelligence. Yet I feel so comfortable here in the Clearwater Beach Hotel Lounge, writing. I have so much fun releasing the characters that live in my imagination.

I have been blessed to meet a “Baskin Robbins” of assorted people in my lifetime. Many now dance in my mind in various scenarios and stories. I don’t know if they will ever get together and result in a novel, stories for magazines or whether the act of writing will be the reward itself.

In my recent financial situation it certainly seemed out of the realm of possibility that I would be able to actually have a laptop. Proof positive that in my life Guardian Angels truly make the difference. A dear man surprised me by providing this wonderful computer. Someday I hope he will know how much I treasure not only this gift but even more special and valuable is the time he shared with me and the experiences we shared.

Earlier today I wrote about the card I received that said that Rainbows were the symbol for hope. As I sit here writing, the rain pitter pattering on the window next to me, I feel a special peacefulness. I smile. I have just realized that part of my persona, that has through the years been labeled the “weird one”, is my ability to create my own rainbows. Until tonight I had never realized that is exactly what I do.

When my life is “stormy” spinning out of my control, or my heart is hurt, or I have challenges to face I have learned from my parents to hang in there….to find some good or positive (no matter how tiny}, to always have faith and remember that miracles happen everyday. You need to keep hope alive in your heart and spirit. It is most critical to do this when it seems the most impossible.

As this day comes to an end and I pack up my little computer, I am leaving this little hideaway with an energized spirit. It is never too late to chart a new course.

 Thursday, June 27

Iris - Keeper of the Rainbow

Throughout the ages, the rainbow has been the symbol of hope, a promise of better things to come. The ancient Greeks personified the rainbow as the goddess, Iris, the favorite handmaiden and personal messenger of Hera, the queen of the heavenly court of Olympus. Carried by her shimmering wings, Iris travels so swiftly that mere mortals can see only the trail of her rainbow-colored passage across the sky.

Today I received a beautiful card - the graphic was amazing and it contained the beautiful sentiment above. I have always appreciated the magic of rainbows. From now on whenever I see one painted across the sky, I will smile not only because of its beauty but because it is a colorful, magical symbol of hope.

I think I must live in an alternative universe (smile)

Recently I have begun to think that some people must view life as though it was similar to a game of Monopoly.

They seem to think an apology is the equivilent to a "Get Out Of Jail Free Card".

It is thoughtful to receive an apology. It warms my heart when someone extends a kindness to me. It is easy for me to forgive someone. Afterall, I am human and all too often do things that may cause frustration, hurt or sadness to someone and am sorry.

In the long run, it is action that will make the difference.

 Wednesday, June 26

Lucky Man a memoir by Michael J. Fox

This is a most excellent book. Some quotes....

"Whatever anyone else thinks about me is none of my business"

"By being all things to all people all the time, I could end up being nothing to myself"

"Throughout my life, I've made a habit of somehow salvaging victory at the very threshold of ignominious failure."

"The bad news side of the doctor's desk."

"By-the-book coping process: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross's five stages of grief (denial/isolution, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance); my most trying personhal experience reduced to a common laundry list by some Swiss woman I've never met."

"Exasperation, frustration and fear were my constant companions in those early days, but I never once found myself resorting to blame."

"The ten years since my diagnosis have been the best ten years of my life, and I consider myself a lucky man."

 Monday, June 24

"The Hardest Job You Are Ever Going To Love"

I went to a Peace Corp recruiting meeting tonight.

I have wanted to volunteer since forever, maybe now is my time.

Don't Make Assumptions
We make the assumption that everyone sees life the way we do. We think others think the way we think and feel the way we feel.

If you don't understand something, it is better for you to ask and be clear, instead of making an assumption. With clear communication, all of your reltaionships will change.

Saying this sounds easy, but it is extremely difficult. We all have habits and routines (we aren't even aware of) that make it second nature to assume that when someone does or says something, it results in a conditioned response and meaning.

Making assumptions can cause needless suffering, misunderstandings and rob us of opportunities for joy.

It is easy to be an armchair quarterback and know what calls the coach should have made. In doing so the team would surely have won the game. We assume we have all the facts. We do the same thing in life - we assume we know all the facts and make judgements on how someone should handle situations in their life. Sometimes we even assume we know how another person feels.

We even make assumptions about how others precieve us. We may even try to adapt our behavior to what we "assume" will please them. In truth Real Love is accepting other people and yourself without trying to change them.

Imagine when we can extrapolate "assumptions " from our lives....communication will change completely. Relationhips will no longer suffer from mistaken assumptions.

The problem with making assumptions is that we believe them to be true.

Don't make assumtions

Thankfully, God knows our true intentions

 Saturday, June 22

How to clean your baseball caps

Place your hats in the dishwasher and add soap as usual. Close the door and turn on regular cycle. Your hats will come out clean. They hold their shape and look great.

 Thursday, June 20

3 The story continues to unfold

What happened?

Only 48 hours earlier the world seemed filled with excitement, hope, and sunshine.

She stepped off the plane and made her way to baggage claim. She’d done it! Despite all the warnings from family and friends, she’d done it…Packed her bags and gone to New York to start her new life as a writer.

Her first book, a romantic novel, had been published and her editor had insisted that she come to New York for the launch.

The Publishing House, Mahogany Press, even had a beautiful, furnished brownstone for her to live in while she was there.

How could she leave her good job and throw caution to the wind and go to New York for an indefinite stay?

Her family thought she was crazy…

“Here you have people who care. You have security, a regular pay check. What will happen when you fail?”

“Don’t you know how few authors can make a living from their writing?”

“New York is a dangerous city, you don’t know anyone. You’re a fool for going.”

She’d always been a gypsy at heart, happiest when she was traveling and meeting new people. That someone wanted to publish her book and move her to New York seemed like a dream come true.

Over the last several years she’d created a self-made cocoon. She only escaped its shelter through her writing – the words took her on adventures and gave passion to her life.

She knew their warnings were all well intentioned and borne out of love and caring but she wasn’t going to fail. And what if she did? At least she would have tried.

As she picked up her bags and adjusted her backpack and purse she headed to the cab stand, smiling. This was going to be a terrific adventure – No matter what, this had the potential to be too good to be missed.

 Sunday, June 16

Happy Father's Day!

Wishing a fun and memorable holiday to all devoted dads near and far.

My own dad is in heaven....he will forever be alive in my heart and memories.

I am very proud of the way my sons, Tom and Jim enjoy their roles as dads. They are responsible, great role models for their children, have loving wives and have fun.

 Saturday, June 15


Dripping wet and gasping for breath a man stands in a phone booth on the deserted street.

Trembling he picks up the phone and dials 911.

 Friday, June 14

A Story

The door slammed. Hurried footsteps ran down the steps and into the black, cold, stormy night.

Then silence - only the sound of the wind howling and thunder.

A flash of lightning lit the room...a shadow of a woman's body lay on the floor, her hand outstretched only inches from the fallen phone.

 Thursday, June 13

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Don't forget to use at least one to say, "thank you".

 Wednesday, June 12

Failure is a delay not a defeat.
It is a temporary detour not a dead end street.

Michael Jordon has missed over 9,000 shots in his career, lost over 300 games, on more than 26 occassions he has been entrusted with the games winning shot and missed.

 Tuesday, June 11

Today I heard Dr. Phil McGraw say, "excess weight is a disease of choice." He says, "everyone that is overweight has a payoff they are getting from it."

Rays lost to the Dodgers tonight. Fans are evaporating and there weren't that many to start with.

To be considered excellent in the world of baseball a batter needs a 300 average or better. That means he can strike out 7 out of 10 times and be considered terrific.

Unfortunately, the Rays tend to strike out more than 7 out of 10 times. How sad, how pitiful.

In life in general it is important to get into the game, step up to the bat and remember even if you strike out as many as 7 out of 10 times you are doing a most excellent job.

 Sunday, June 9

I woke early and went for a walk on the beach. It was a beautiful sunny morning.

We experience fantastic sunsets here on the Gulf Coast but rarely experience the sunrise from the beach. To view them you need to be in downtown St. Petersburg or driving across the Howard Franklin Bridge to Tampa. Even so...this morning Mother Nature painted the sky with a beautiful kalidescope of colors to welcome the morning.

It was amazing! No one else was on the beach yet. Today I was so happy and felt very fortunate to be enjoying this experience.

As I walked, a thought crossed my mind....."What would I want to do if I had enough?" Hmm, this was a different question from the ones I ususally asked myself. "What if I had enough?" is different then "What would I do if I won the lottery?" That question is about money and how it can be shared, what bills can be paid, trips can be made and what can be bought.

"What would I do if I had enough?" This means - what would I do if I had not only enough money, but also enough time, courage, stamina, and good health?

The same freedom of choice a child experiences when they answer..."What would you like to be when you grow up?"

I realized as I walked that each time in the recent past I had asked myself what would I like to do, I always found obstacles to put in my way - not just in the way of doing something new, but from even considering changes. Obstacles not only financial, or concerning fitness, but also geography, and concerns over what others may think pop into my mind.

Removing all the "what ifs" - "I shoulds" - "if onlys" and "after I do this and after I do that" certainly is interesting.

"What would I like to do if I had enough?". The answer hasn't come to me yet. How exciting it will be when it surfaces (smile).

 Friday, June 7

The Movie Men In Black - Gaurdian Angels????

Recently I have been blessed by a "Baskin Robbins" of assorted flavored Guardian Angels coming into my life. Each in their own unique way has made me feel special and created a surge in my mind as I think about new and exciting possibilities.

In the movie, "Men In Black" it is aliens that are disguised as regular people. In my world I have discovered an assortment of seeming regular people who are actually Guardian Angels in my life. A classmate I haven't heard from since high school, turned out to be a Guardian Angel in disguise. It has been a wonderful gift to hear about the twists and turns her life has taken and share what has taken place in mine.

Judy and Clif Genge, dear friends that I haven't seen for years took the time and found where I currently live. It wasn't easy as I have moved several times since we last communicated, yet they found me and have helped me to dwell on possibilities and feel like dancing (smile).

Directly from cyberspace came a Guardian Angel that has volunteered to be my tour director exploring the experiences that to date have lived in my imagination and curiosities.

After a decade as a trainer for a major travel franchise, I have only recently discovered that I was not only working with a Guardian Angel, an angel was disquised as a franchisee. As I am making a transition in my life, this Angel has opened both my mind and heart and has elevated my spirit as I write this new chapter of my life.

Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones have a little device that removes the memory of people who have seen aliens. There is nothing that would ever remove the memory of these kind people who have been unmasked and discovered to be my treasured Guardian Angels. They join the ranks of special members of my family and friends who have been watching over me, rooting me on and supporting me throughout the adventure of my life.

 Wednesday, June 5

Be alive
Think freely. Smile often.
Tell those you love that you do.
Rediscover old friends.
Make new ones. Hope. Grow. Give.
Give in. Pick some daisies. Share them.
Keep a promise. Laugh heartily.
Reach out. Let someone in. Hug a kid.
Let out the kid in you.
Slow down. See a sunrise.
Listen to rain. Trust life.
Take a leap of faith. Make some mistakes.
Learn from them. Explore your heart.
Let your imagination play.
Paint your dreams. Enjoy.
Celebrate life.
Make each day a masterpiece.
Jan Michelsen

 Tuesday, June 4

The sun feels warm on my skin, seagulls are squawking overhead and the water is splashing against the sandy shore. There aren’t many people at the beach today. It is Monday and most everyone is at work and children aren’t yet out of school for summer vacation.

I have come to the beach to think about the possibilities my life holds. I have needs and wants that are currently not being met and I have to make some adjustments – I need to turn some of the stumbling blocks I have encountered into stepping stones.

My life has been a most exciting adventure so far. Yet it hasn’t been the way I had imagined. I thought I would be happily married ever after and have a home where my children would grow up in a stable environment and where they would bring their wives and my grandchildren back to visit. Instead, I learned to change my dreams and goals and do my best to make each detour a rejuvenating, learning, and whenever possible, a fun experience.

It seemed altogether more terrifying and easier when my sons were young and I had to turn failures and problems into detours not defeats. Being a single mom was scary and extraordinarily wonderful. Now I need to motivate myself to go forward – not because I need to be responsible for taking care of the needs of my children but because I don’t want to waste the precious gift of my own life.

My daughter-in-laws are fantastic women. Their approaches to everyday life are very different. Each in their unique way have created an atmosphere that is warm and loving for their families. I admire that both Carol and Shelia are strong woman. They are not easily manipulated and have self respect. A quality I am still nurturing within myself.

It is fun to see my sons, now in their roles as husbands and fathers. It seems like only yesterday they were my little boys and we were playing soccer in the yard.

As I plot my new course for adventure I am confident that in my own way I will continue to create my own unique version of “happily ever after”. My sons may no longer be my motivator yet they will always be a source of unconditional support and love.

Hmmm, I wonder what I will be when I grow up? (smile)

 Sunday, June 2

The stars twinkling on a dark clear night....

I have always enjoyed sunny days. It is still fun to lay on the grass and look - concentrating hard as if I can actually make the clouds float across the sky.

I am very concious of the different phases of the moon and feel a special happy glow when the moon is full and bright.

I know by definition stars are "luminous celestial bodies consiting of a mass of hot gas held together by its own gravity."

To me however, stars are windows to heaven. The stars are portals where loved ones can smile down from above and remind us that their love is forever.